From Sketch to Painting :: Scarecrow

I’m here again sharing my process, yeah! I started with a sketch, added a little paint, then a little more paint and so on. I like to start with as little as I can so it’s easier to change a color or two if needed. I’m very pleased with the way Scarecrow turned out…yes, that’s his name…don’t you name you artwork too? haha

Oh yes, a much larger version to see all the pencil marks. Is it me or are pencil marks cooooool?! I happen to really like them under watercolors….no reason, just because.

I scanned the original and cleaned it up a bit in Photoshop. I think he turned out pretty good. What do you think?

I’m making Scarecrow into a free eCard and printable, available by Friday, so come back and grab a freebie to share with your family and friends.

ta ta, for now…



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