WOYWW :: Watercolor Silhouettes
I’m participating in What’s On Your WorkDesk Wednesday over at Stamping Ground. This is my 1st time linking up with over 100 others creatives. Exciting!
I try very hard to keep my workspace clean and free from papers, it doesn’t always happen. I have a hard time ‘working’ in clutter, do you? I’m sharing my workspace with my new toy, Mrs. iMac, isn’t she pretty? Anyway, until I can come up with another solution for my sitting room/studio office, this is where I’m painting.
I’m working on watercolor silhouettes for Christmas….I love silhouettes! I have to admit that today is the 1st day I’ve been able to memorize how to spell that blasted word. Seriously, why does it need to be spelled that way? I’ve had a hard time painting these because of the paper rippling or getting all roughed up by the water. The 3rd try was the best:
The 1st one I did is on the right, the paper got all gross. The middle one was a bit better but it got kinda roughed up also. The last, on left, is my favorite because the paper stayed nice and I love how the paint over-laps. What do you think?’

I always spell that word wrong too (I think it is the h that gets me every time) !! I love all three silhouettes for different reasons. I would use the roughed up one on a vintagey card. So, don’t trash it! Happy WOYWW!!
Karen 115
Great idea for the roughed up one! Thanks so much!
Thank goodness for spell check!! I realy envy you the painting/drawing talent.
I love how neat your desk looks.
Silvia #77 happy WOYWW
Yes, I love spell check…although it doesn’t help if auto-fill takes over. ;)
Wow! That’s impressive, not the clean cause I’m a neat nick and I think today was maybe the messiest mine has been in a while! I love those silhouettes, I’m always so enamored with anyone that can use watercolors like that!
Thanks for the visit!
Angie #122
Thank you so much Angie!
Love your little silhouettes…which brand of watercolours do you use? I’ve been dabbling with them myself. Do you use a nice heavy paper? 150gsm or so?
Oh..and your iMac is sweet. I have one too!
I use Winsor & Newton pan watercolors, you can find them here: http://www.dickblick.com/products/winsor-and-newton-cotman-watercolors-compact-set/. I love them! So easy and portable. I use heavy watercolor paper 110lb or above. I love the heavy papers.
This is my first mac, besides the iPhone and iPad, and I’m loving it! I wish I could get the 27″ tho. ;)
Welcome to WOYWW! Did anyone warn you it was very addictive and a lot of fun? I think silhouettes are interesting but I don’t use them much. I am more of a stamper then a drawer. I stamp then paint! Have a great week and thanks for sharing. Vickie #62
Thanks for the warm welcome! I think it will be very addictive to join in every week. :)
Great desk. I can only work that tidily for about 5 minutes, then it all goes to pot and I’m in the middle of a huge mess. We are how we are, but I wish I were more like you. The silhouttes look great; I’ve never thought of doing them in watercolour. Very cool. Thank you so much for sharing.
Happy belated WOYWW,
rachel #52
They look great! I love seeing other people who work in minimal mess – I don’t always manage it but that’s what I aim for. Thanks for popping over to comment on my blog too ♥
Personally, I really couldn’t work in a space so tidy and need creative clutter around me for inspiration and atmosphere. I do blitz my desk periodically but love to get it back to normal. I am lucky to have a craft room to myself off my kitchen so I can close the door. If I had to craft in the living or dining room I would most certainly clear away after crafting.
The silhouettes are so subtle in watercolour and don’t give the hard impact of black. I do quite like them.
The English language is so quirky and varied and it is all part of it’s colour and I feel we should strive to keep it that way. Spelling so often become simplified and lose contact with the words derivations.
Welcome to WOYWW….. it’s quite an amazingly friendly group of talented people!
Jo x
Hi there!! Welcome to the Wacky World of WOYWW!! It is completely wonderful – you will be delighted and amazed (and occasionally horrified!!) at the desks you see and the clever people out there. I don’t like to be messy either..in fact, I’m becoming a bit of a neat freak in my old age *grin*
Hugs, LLJ #68 xx
Hello there. Golly, fancy being able to do such lovely thngs – I like all three, myself – just wish I could do things like that!
Speaking as someone who likes a bit of grunge and a bit of vintage, I can see good things about each of them! And I agree with Karen that the rougher ones would look great in a vintage setting. Amazing work… and belated happy WOYWW!
Alison x
Hi Kristin – welcome to WOYWW. You are definitely very neat and tidy – and very lovely it looks to. My work desk starts out neat and ends up looking like a bomb went off!!! Your silhouettes look fab – I only learnt to spell it when I made a tag that featured one and blogged about it – I did rely on spell check though ;-) It is great that you managed to keep such a light touch with the paint colour – mine would have been shocking pink by the time I ever managed to get the proportions right!!! Have fun hopping. Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 30
Hi there love the silhouettes . You have a very tidy work area. Welcome to WOYWW. Thanks for visiting me. Anne x #126
Welcome to WOYWW! great to have your company. To answer your question..no, I work in a terrible messs and hate to clear up. You’ll get to know that very well.
I like the silhoueet idea, very pretty..and yep, third one is my fave because I like the overlappy paint style too – I expect too much water and overworking the surface of the stock is an occupational hazard isn’t it…,my art teacher always used to say that knowing when to give up and move on is a skill. I have acquired it since..so much of my stuff goes in the bin!!
Yes, I too have a difficult time working in clutter… so, I try to keep my areas neat, as well.
Hi Kristin, I actually like all three silhouettes: their imperfections give them real character.
How have you been since Blogtoberfest? I just wanted to let you know that I’m hosting another (albeit gentler and more introspective) blog challenge over the month of December called #reverb12. Would be so rapt if you joined us!
There’s a little giveaway too. :-)
Details here: http://isawyoudancing.blogspot.com.au/p/reverb12.html
Take care,
Kat xxx
I’m doing great! I’d love to join your December challenge! :)